Artist Statement
The work I’ve created for several decades involves themes of human struggle in contemporary society. I frequently utilize traditional techniques and unusual applications of found objects to explore tough subjects of racial, sexual and gender discrimination, environmental exploitation, social injustice and economic inequality. Hopefully, the work is accessible, but conceptually provocative. Creating aesthetically and visually pleasing objects that maintain a standard of craftsmanship is an important entrance to the deeper meaning of the pieces. Recurring symbols include targets, blood, hearts, maps, and US dollar bills.
My art previously started with a title (frequently a pun or play on words) to evoke multiple meanings. More recently, the image and concept come first, and when explored, the title becomes more apparent. Many titles utilize word play or compound words to create a double or triple meaning with irony and humor. Since my studio space has become smaller, I’ve returned to using less technical media, such as word carving, found objects, metal working and collage. I frequently use words and appropriated text to lend depth and meaning to the imagery.
Creating art facilitates working through some of my own confusion and emotional reactions to current affairs of the world. Creating visual images for catharsis and healing is a mighty experience for both myself and the viewer. My art always seems to facilitate verbal dialogue and a personal projective identification. When imagery is generalized into metaphor, viewers can make their own conclusions and personal interpretation to my work.